We are the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – Northern Alberta Chapter. We have championed the protection of Alberta’s diverse natural heritage since our establishment in 1968 as the first regional chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society.
CPAWS is Canada’s pre-eminent, non-profit wilderness protection organization. Together, we are working to keep at least half of Canada’s public land and water wild – forever. Click on an issue to learn more.
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- Publications

EDMONTON, AB – Environment and Climate Change Minister, Jonathan Wilkinson, decides a federal impact assessment will be required for a thermal coal mine expansion near Hinton, Alberta. The expansion would have adverse effects on Endangered Athabasca Rainbow Trout and their habitat. [Learn more]
The Edéhzhíe Protected Area (pronounced eh-day-shae) is the first formal Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA) established since Canadian governments and Indigenous peoples came together to create the Pathway to Target 1 initiative. This initiative aims to conserve at least 17% of Canada’s land and freshwater by the end of 2025. Edéhzhíe is located in [Learn more]

EDMONTON, AB – Documents recently obtained by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Alberta Chapters through a Freedom of Information and Privacy (FOIP) request have offered a closer look at the decision making process behind the recent cuts to Alberta’s parks system. The documents, which include internal communications, briefings to the Minister and a briefing to cabinet, outline the development of the government’s ‘Optimizing Alberta Parks’ plan announced in spring 2025. [Learn more]

In this blog series we will be profiling each member of our team at CPAWS Northern Alberta to help our audience get to know us better! This post introduces Gillian Chow-Fraser, our trusty Boreal Program Manager and main hero for coordinating all things caribou-related.